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General Student Questions

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  1. Refresh your page
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  3. Test in a different browser (e.g. Internet Explorer, Mozilla Firefox, Google Chrome, Safari)

If you are still experiencing trouble please reach out to us with the following details and we will be happy to investigate immediately.

  • Link to the page(s):
  • Error message(s) you’re seeing:
  • Screenshots (if applicable)
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  • Operating system (PC or Mac):
  • Any other notes

Welcome! You can create an account here.

(No need to worry, all reviews submitted by registered users are only identified by a username, which you can make nonidentifiable.)

For a detailed list of circumstances where we may disclose your personal information, please refer to the Rate My College Privacy Policy.

Forgot your password? No problem, simply go the Sign In form and click “Forgot password?”

Nope! We don’t display your name on our site, only your username will display by your reviews and comments, and you can make your username nonidentifiable.

While all comments are posted only with your username, we can’t guarantee that a college will not be able to identify you by the details you include. We strongly encourage everyone to write constructive comments without including any identifying information about yourself or others. If our online moderators determine the comment could identify you or anyone else, the post will be removed.  

If you think a comment or or review is inappropriate and in violation of our site guidelines, you can flag the rating via the “Report” button on the page. It will be escalated to our moderators for immediate review and if they determine it’s against our guidelines, it will be removed.

Please note that only comments that violate our guidelines are removed. Unfortunately, we do not remove ratings just because someone may disagree with it.

If your comment was deleted, it likely violated one or more of our site guidelines.  All comments submitted are reviewed by our online moderation team. If they find that the content violates our site guidelines, they will remove the comment.

Content decisions are within our sole discretion and we do not negotiate about our application of a guideline to our final decision as to whether or not a piece of content warrants removal.  If you would like to reword your review, we encourage you to submit a new entry that complies with our site guidelines.

Rate My College helps and supports students by providing a “Safe Space” for victims of GBV and other forms of discrimination to rate and review how their college handled the reported incident.

To report an incident of GBV or other forms of discrimination, you should file a complaint at your respective Title IX Office, the OCR, or local law enforcement. RMC is not a platform to report such incidents. Instead we allow victims of GBV to post reviews about how their college handled the reported incident.

College Questions

You can always report a review! If you are concerned that a comment violates our site guidelines, please report the rating by clicking on the “Report” button. Our moderators will review the comment immediately and remove it if it’s against our guidelines.

This is an open site where users can voice their opinions and experiences. Please note that only comments that violate our guidelines are removed. Unfortunately we do not remove ratings just because someone may disagree with it.

You also have the ability to reply to reviews and add any clarifications you see fit. To post these notes you will need to register for an account. You may sign up for an account  here.

If you think a comment or or review is inappropriate and in violation of our site guidelines, you can flag the rating via the “Report” button on the page. It will be escalated to our moderators for immediate review and if they determine it’s against our guidelines, it will be removed.

Please note that only comments that violate our guidelines are removed. Unfortunately, we do not remove ratings just because someone may disagree with it.

Rate My College occasionally receives removal demands that include threats to sue Rate My College.  To date, no one has followed through with a lawsuit against us for our reviews.

The law protects Rate My College from legal responsibility for the content submitted by our users, like the reviews that appear on our site. For example, the Communications Decency Act of 1996 (47 U.S.C. Sec. 230) provides a federal immunity to interactive computer services such as Rate My College from liability based on information provided by another information content provider such as our users. 

The law is clear on this.  Anyone who wishes to sue Rate My College for the reviews posted by our members risks penalties imposed by the court. These may include financial sanctions and reimbursement of our attorney’s fees for our having to defend against a lawsuit that ignores obvious legal protections for Rate My College.

If, despite our caution, you feel that legal action is the only recourse for you, our address for service of legal process is:

Cohen & Associates
1209 N Orange St.
Wilmington, DE 19801

If you intend to serve documents on Cohen & Associates, please make sure that service is properly affected in the US in accordance with all applicable law.  We are not obligated to respond if service is not valid.

Remember:  This FAQ is provided for informational purposes only and does not constitute legal advice. You should not rely upon this information without seeking advice from an attorney who is competent in the relevant field of law.

Our reviewers are required to take responsibility for what they post and to ensure that their reviews reflect their true experiences. So, if someone contacts us to say that something in a review is untrue and/or defamatory, we don’t know who to believe. Unless we find some other violation of our policies, we allow our users to stand by their reviews.

We simply aren’t suited to determine the accuracy, completeness, or authenticity of evidence offered to us by someone with an interest in getting a negative review taken down. Please note, content decisions are within our sole discretion and it is not our policy to negotiate how we apply our guidelines to decisions regarding content removal.

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